Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Audio Books - What's Hot For 2010? by Jim Oneil

Just like printed books, you certainly have to update yourself with the latest audio book releases. Whether it is printed or audio, any book can make such a deep impression that it may be hard to forget its most interesting features. However, no matter how interesting a book is, you will find it less enjoyable as soon as you are on the nth time reading or listening to it. It is great to have library with a collection on the oldest literary items. It is even greater if your library contains with the most recent bestsellers. That is why you should not be left behind when it comes new releases, especially if people know how particular you are with books. Now, that 2010 has just unfolded, you should be able to get hold of the hottest new audio books around.

If you love to listen to classic short stories as you spend time on your treadmill, buying and downloading Short Stories by Anton Chekhov. This has six wonderfully narrated stories. This one is good also if you are just seizing an opportunity that a short break from work gives. Each story's narration can be done in about ten minutes, a good leisure interest if you have no one with you on a coffee break. However, if you want something to relieve you from stress, have a good laugh with The Daddy Clock by Judy Markey. Just be sure to have some privacy while you listen to this comedy. Otherwise, around you may doubt your mental health as you laugh all by yourself.

Entertainment from detective thrillers is great as you laze under the shade of a tree in the park. Dick Francis' Blood Sport may be the companion you need there on a Sunday afternoon. If you do not want to waste an hour of your day-off for sleeping, this audio book's suspense will certainly keep you awake. If you want to reminisce the days of radio drama, you cab get a copy of radio adaptations of old detective classics such as The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Written by Anthony Boucher and Dennis Green, this is guaranteed to amuse you, while reminding you of the times when radio was the only form of entertainment.

Acquiring a new language is more fun if you have your tutor in your pocket. You can get audio books just fresh in the market. One of these is Pimsleur's Hungarian. Written by the famed linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, you can be sure that every minute spent in listening is worth the money you spent for it. You can also buy Easy Russian for English Speakers: Saying Goodbye. This a two-minute course just enough for you to learn the Russian way of expressing farewell.

For those who wish to discover more about audio books why not do some research here: audio books

Downloadable Audio Books - 10 Frequently Asked Questions by Jim Oneil

Audio books are the latest innovations in the literary world. They enable those people who are lovers of the written word yet have no time to sit and read a book because of their extremely busy lifestyle to still enjoy the stories and books, albeit through another avenue. Even though audio books have gotten more popular, a lot of people are still not sure what they are, how to get them or how they work.

Here are Ten of the Most Frequently Asked Questions when it comes to Audio or Talking Books:

1) What are Audio Books?
An audio converted book is a recording of a piece of literature normally in printed form. This recording is basically done in spoken word. Some of these recordings are abridged versions of the story, but others follow the book verbatim.

2) Are all books done in audio book format?
Regrettably, not all books are available in audio format yet. Newly published books and best sellers from the last century are available in this format. Even the beloved classics are being converted to audio form. Some older books are found on tape though.

3) Does this mean that printed books will fade away for good?
While it might seem that way, that doesn't seem to be the case. Printed books are still very much in demand, although reading habits have changed because of the invention of the other alternative.

4) How do I get an audio converted book?
You can get them from websites or online book services. You can search for the websites and then use keywords or even the book titles to find the audio book that you want.

5) How much do I pay for them? Do they come for free?
Most online book service websites offer audio converted books at cheap prices, and there are even some independent websites that offer a few audio books for free. It is simply a matter of searching for them. However, you cannot be sure that you can find the latest best-sellers for free.

6) How can I download the audios?
Once you have fulfilled the payment for the items that you have purchased, the service site will send you a link that you can use to download the files. For free audios, all you have to do is click the download button and you're good to go.

7) How long does it take to download the audios?
It depends on the internet connection and computer, as well as the number of files you download. It usually just takes minutes.

8) What kind of software do I need to be able to play the files?
You do not need any special software, as long as the file is supported by your audio player. Before you download, you should check the information on what players are compatible for the files.

9) How do I listen to the files?
As soon as you have downloaded the files completely and transferred them to the player of your choice, you can listen to them right away.

10) Is there any other way to listen to audio books other than buy them?
There are actually several online libraries that make it possible for you to "borrow" the audios. Check them out to see how they work.

When you happen to have a particular stress or self hypnosis management audio book in mind, try searching for it here: stress management audio book

The Michael Jackson Case - A Conspiracy Revealed by Alana Tobin

I have just read, 'The Michael Jackson Case,' by Anet Star. The cover image is of a briefcase and once opened, 'Top Secret' file folders are the holders of chapter pages. I found the format and presentation to be novel and entertaining as the pages turn like a real hardcopy book. For me it was much easier on the eyes to read than the common pdf file, as with that format I often lose my place when attempting to scroll down to read each page.

In this remarkable book, Anet shares that she has been in telepathic communication with the deceased pop star, Michael Jackson. A New Zealand Telepath/Intuitive, Anet has the ability to communicate with those who reside "on the other side" in the spirit realm. The book introduces readers to telepathy, what it is, and how it can be utilised. I felt that through sharing this, Anet assists people to get a grasp on what this skill entails so the reader can understand the author and how she has been able to communicate with the soul of Michael.

Many individuals find it difficult to believe in this type of information and so they won't be interested in the book; and that's okay because its not for everyone. However, over the years there is a growing number of people who believe that these types of communications are genuine, especially since many more people are having their own direct experiences and can relate to others accounts.

Many of the well known publishing companies are publishing books with this type of content now. Over the past 15-20 years there has also been an increase in the number of televisions shows and a wide selection of films relating to psychic phenomena and the occult. Viewers can turn on their television sets to see shows about angels, ghosts, reincarnation, extraterrestials, and even psychic detectives who assist police agencies to solve crimes. The number of people exhibiting extraordinary psychic or healing abilities is growing and the wider public are certainly showing an interest.

Having introduced telepathy, Anet goes on to explore "conspiracy theory," outlining how this phenomena has been utilized as a tool by those in positions of power. She gives examples how an authority figure as someone in a position of social influence, will fabricate a story about an event because they have their own agenda, an agenda which involves the concealing of facts, or specific truths surrounding circumstances. Some examples of movies based upon true "conspiracy" stories are: The Pelican Brief, Conspiracy of Fools, the Watergate Conspiracy, and The Amelia Earheart Conspiracy.

The "conspiracy theorist" label is often used (abused) to deter curious people like us, from questioning those in positions of power who may have been involved in wrong doing. The consequences of such questions can come at great cost as the conspiracy theorist label is regularly applied when ''the powers that be'' do not want secret information or the facts about a real event made known publically.

I feel that Anet did a great job at providing a comprehensive definition of this concept and tool as a way of preparing people for the messages from Michael. The reader is assisted to understand how "conspiracy theory" has been utilized in Michael Jackson's death. There is a section in the book where Michael provides the reader a glimpse into his death scene. Here Michael recounts what actually occurred when he received the fatal injection; however what he communicates is sure to shock many readers.

Michael, through this medium, then goes on to provide the reasons why he was murdered, and shares specific messages which he was not able to share when he was alive. Michael even shares personal messages with family and friends trusting that they will ultimately reach them.

In my view, after reading this book, what has been presented makes sense to me. I feel that there was a cover-up, a conspiracy of people involved in the intentional murder of Michael Jackson. I sense that much of what has been reported in the media has been manipulated in order to support a specific agenda. If we the public can be convinced to believe in the accidental death story, we will be inclined to accept the story and the experts accounts, because most would prefer to believe that Michael's death was caused by an accident rather than his being intentionally murdered, especially the many fans who really admired their "King of Pop."

When something just doesn't add up as truth for us, (because we all have gut instinct, intelligence and a heart that can discern truth from fiction), we naturally desire to investigate the issue, to confirm for ourselves what we sense and to then share our findings in support of truth appearing in our community. Something deep within us desires to know the truth, to speak the truth, and yet 'the truth' can be a risky business when it involves confronting circumstances and individuals who have a secret to hide, and an agenda to fulfil.

At the house that day according to reports, were Michael's physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, his long time friend and personal manager, Frank DeLeo, a security guard named Tippy, Michael's personal chef Kai Chase, and his eldest son Prince Michael.

Kai Chase says in one interview that her first hint of something amiss on the day of Michael Jackson's death, was when his doctor didn't come downstairs to get the juices and granola he routinely brought Michael for breakfast each morning. According to Chase, on that day, the doctor was not seen until closer to mid day. Earlier that morning, Jackson was said to be packing his bags to fly to London to prepare for his tour. In one report, Michael's eldest son Prince was said to have seen his father collapse on their livingroom floor. However it took over 30 minutes for the doctor to phone 911 emergency services for help, when clearly Murray could not revive Michael after what would only take the routine 10 minutes of emergency CPR? Later when family and friends gathered at the hospital and wanted to speak to the doctor about what had occurred, the doctor was nowhere to be seen.

After many months now, I saw just this week in the news, that Dr. Conrad Murray has been formally charged with involuntary manslaughter, and that his trial has finally been scheduled. This book comes at the ideal time for people to consider another version to the story, one worthy of consideration and real investigation. In my view, the conspiractors want us to believe that Michael Jackson's death (cardiac arrest) was in part due to his abuse of drugs and his failing health, yet more particularly due to the incompetance of one man, a professional doctor who was trained as a cardiac specialist. We are to expected to believe that this physician (hired just a couple of weeks before Michael's tour was to begin) had administered such a high dose of the anesthetic Propofol to Michael, that it killed him, yet it was an accident?

To me, the questionable points noted in the couple of paragraphs above speak volumes, and only confirm what I have read in 'The Michael Jackson Case.' If you are sincerely interested in getting to the truth surrounding Michael Jackson's death, do your own investigation in support of putting the puzzle pieces together for yourself. I highly recommend that readers (especially fans) read this web book because the information feels much more truthful than the sanitised version the media continues to provide.

You can have a look at the book by visiting the following website:

Alana Tobin resides in New Zealand and works as a Spiritual Counsellor and Life Coach (over 30 yrs exp) She provides empowering consultations for people all around the world. Alana is also a consultant to businesses and organizations and is available to assist you with your project or organizational needs. In addition, Alana and Max make available spiritually empowering digital page turning ebooks available through their website.

For more information visit: http://www.heartstory.co.nz/ To know more about online web books creation and publication visit: http://www.digitalcatz.com

The Truth About H.P. Lovecraft, Cthulhu, and the Necronomicon by Fred Douglas

About 30 films have been based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Fans, from casual readers to wannabe Cthulhu Cultists, look for books by and about Lovecraft, but it's hard to find decent scholarship about the Master of Weird Fiction. One of the few books that looks at the works of Lovecraft in an intelligent way is called H.P. Lovecraft and the Modernist Grotesque. This book puts the works of Lovecraft into a literary context that makes sense. Unlike most things about Lovecraft, written by Cthulhu - obsessed fans who believe the Necronomicon is really the wisdom of the Old Ones, H.P. Lovecraft and the Modernist Grotesque is the Ph.D. Dissertation of an English Professor. He is a literary scholar first and a Lovecraft fan second, which means that he is less liable to fall into the same old patterns of sensationalism, delusions, and biography that overshadows actual literary analysis.

This dissertation could use a little bit of polishing up - a few typos and a misspelled name (Ph.D. students are under a whole let of pressure), but the important thing is that it does things that no other book about Lovecraft does, including the identifying (and supporting) of a completely new literary category (the Modernist Grotesque), thorough analysis of Lovecraft as a modernist, and careful study of Lovecraft's deconstruction of important institutions through satire and depictions of logical fallacies. This book also discusses fan phenomena like Cthulhu worshipers, hoax Necronomicon copies, and literary elitists' bias against fear-based fiction. After reading about Lovecraft for years, a have seen very few works that accomplish as much as this one in terms of really developing an understanding of Lovecraft's work. Some great biographies exist (Joshi's especially) but not enough true, classic literary criticism. In order for Lovecraft to be given the respect he deserves, we need real literary scholars analyzing his work the way they would analyze the work of any other great writer. That's why I like this book so much.

If You Want to Know the Truth About H.P. Lovecraft, Cthulhu, and the Necronomicon, Read H.P. Lovecraft and
the Modernist Grotesque